Kurse für Nachwuchswissenschaftler (KHYS)



English à la carte lite

Montag, 11. September 2017, 0:00-0:00
English Department, Room 305,
Bldg. 8.03, Karl-Friedrich-Straße 17,
76133 Karlsruhe

This course adapts to suit your level and a specific language learning goal you have. It is ideal for people who want to improve their English but either:

1. don’t have time to attend a regular class or
2. have a specific learning requirement which may not be met in a group-based course.

The aim of this course is to provide support for a specific project, e.g. preparing a presentation in English or proofreading a paper you are writing.

Registration by Sept. 11th 2017. After this date you will be contacted to set up your appointment(s). You can  schedule two separate 45-minute sessions or one 90-minute session. We ask that you name your specific project when you sign up for your meeting. Then your meeting(s) will take place face-to-face at an agreed location or online. A total of 2 academic hours are available for each participant.

Please note: It is possible to sign up for both this course and English á la carte. Nonetheless, a participant will only be accepted for both courses if resources are available as of Sept. 11, 2017.

Total possible duration of the course: ca. 3 months (meetings take place between Sept. 11 and Dec. 9, 2017).

Note: This course is designed for participants at any level of the Common European Frame of Reference (CEFR A1 - C2). We recommend that you take our placement test on ILIAS before starting the course but it is not mandatory.

Instructions for taking the placement test and a link can be found here:

You need an SCC account to take our placement test. If you do not have an SCC account, please contact the English Department of the Language Center (Sprachenzentrum) under englisch does-not-exist.spz KIT edu

Prerequisite for this course:

You must be a member of KHYS.
Are you a doctoral student but not a member of KHYS?
You can become a member here: http://www.khys.kit.edu

Kostenerstattung bei Nichtteilnahme / Cancellation Policy
Sollte es Ihnen trotz Anmeldung nicht möglich sein an dem Kurs teilzunehmen, sagen Sie Ihre Teilnahme bitte bis spätestens zwei Wochen vor Kursbeginn ab. Bei Nichtteilnahme ohne zwingenden Grund (z.B. Krankschreibung) behält sich das KHYS vor, anteilig die Kurskosten von Ihnen zurückzufordern.

If you register for a course but are not able to attend, please contact the English Department at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the course. KHYS reserves the right to demand partial payment from participants who are absent but do not provide a legitimate excuse (eg. illness).

Donald Richardson, Angela Althen

Angela Althen
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Karl-Friedrich-Str. 17
76133 Karlsruhe
Tel: 0721/608-48051
E-Mail: angela althen does-not-exist.kit edu